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40+ French Songs for Kids

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These are the most popular French songs for kids of all ages, from nursery rhymes to preschool songs. These are the songs French kids listened to at preschool or home as a baby.

French Songs for kids


As a French mum, I love to listen to French songs with kids. Listening to music is a great way to teach a language to kids, and there are so many fun French songs to learn about animals, colors, or counting that even non-French speakers love to listen to.

The full playlist on our YouTube channel is below:

Below I listed my top songs in French per age.

Nursery songs

These are my favorite French songs to soothe kids at bedtime and fall asleep.

Frere jacques

Au clair de la lune

Bateau sur l’eau 

Maman les petits bateau

A je vous dirai-je maman

Preschool French songs

Some fun, dynamic songs to dance, sing and move

Il court, il court le furet

Il etait un petit navire

Une araignée sur le plancher

Il pleut, il mouille

Dans sa maison un grand cerf

La mere michele qui a perdu son chat

Ainsi font font font les petites marionettes

Promenons nous dans les bois

Pomme de reinette et pomme d’api

Je te tiens par la barbichette

Les petits poissons dans l’eau

Coccinelle demoiselle

Petit escargot

Pirouette cacahuete

Sur le pont d’avignon

Au feu les pompiers

Un elephant qui se balancait

Une poule sur mur

Le roi Dagobert

Ah les crocodiles

Une souris verte

Songs to learn

These are basic songs to learn French and sign perfect for preschoolers.

Chanson des couleurs – to learn the colors

L’alphabet – to learn the ABC

Chanson des chiffres – to learn the numbers

Chanson des formes – to learn shapes

Tete main pied chanson – head finger knees and toes

Pomme peche poire abricot – to learn about fruits

Christmas French Songs

Petit papa noel

Mon beau sapin

Vive le vent vive le vent d’hiver (jingle bells in French)

Il est ne le divine enfant (religious song)

Merci pere noel

Douce nuit (religious song)


Joyeux Anniversaire – how to sing happy birthday in French.

La chanson de Paques – the Easter song

I hope you enjoy this list of fun interactive French songs for your kids. Any questions, comment below to connect with me.


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