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Metallic Slime (Kid Safe!)

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This easy DIY Metallic Slime recipe looks like real gold running out of your hands! A vibrant golden slime with a relaxing stretchy texture that kids love.

Plus, you only need three ingredients to make this cool slime recipe for kids.

Christmas Slime

My daughter is 8 years old, and saying that she loves slime is an understatement. She adores slime. She dreams of slime and slime activator at night and wakes up with the funniest idea to make more slime recipes.

Here she wanted to make golden slime with metallic effects as a Christmas slime fun activity.

Most recipes use metallic paint, which we tried, but we ended up finding the best way to make metallic slime without toxic paint.


The best ingredients to make this slime recipe are:

  • Clear Elmer’s Glue. Most of the other brands we tried in our slime recipes won’t activate as well, so we like to recommend one brand only.
  • Slime Activator – we recently discovered the ready-made Elmer’s Slime Activator that works 100 times better than contact lens solution, and it’s much cheaper. So we used this for this metal reflect slime recipe.
  • Food Metallic Paint – this is the metallic paint used on cakes to paint your icing! This is magic! The color it gives to slime is vibrant, and the metallic effect shows off much more under bright light. Plus, it doesn’t have any bad smell or toxic compounds that some regular metallic paints have.

Golden Slime

Let’s Slime!

Making the recipe is simple. Start by mixing the school glue with metallic paint. We didn’t measure the amount of paint, but it was about 1-2 tablespoons.

As soon as the golden metallic effect in the slime shows, we stopped adding it.

How to make MetallicHow to make Metallic Slime Slime

Then, simply add the slime activator of your choice – it can be liquid starch, Elmer’s slime activator, or a contact lens solution.

Since you added the paint, you need more activator solution. We probably use 3 times more than usual, so about 4-6 teaspoons of Elmer’s activator.


Play with it next to a window so you can appreciate the metallic effects of the light in the golden paint. This slime is so relaxing to watch or play with!

Metallic Slime

We also added some ASMR fun! Kids love ASMR slime sounds, so we used some food sprinkles. It makes crunchy slime sounds like with the play foam. So much fun and cool!


After playing, we pack our homemade slime recipe in individual ziplock bags that we store in a cool and dry place.

I have a cabinet for our kid crafts activities and science experiments, and that’s where the slime goes!

Frequently Asked Questions

Slime is a messy activity, and my kids always put slime everywhere, so below are a few tips to help all mums who struggle with washing off the slime from hair and clothes.

How to get slime out of hair?

If slime gets stuck in your kid’s hair, or yours, don’t worry, it is just glue!

  1. Rinse the hair under lukewarm water and apply conditioner on the strands that contain slime.
  2. Rub some conditioner and use a small brush to remove the slime.
  3. Rinse the conditioner, and it should remove the slime at the same time.

How to get slime out of clothes?

Except for knitted wool clothes, most clothes are easy to wash off their slime.

  1. Remove the excess slime on the surface and discard.
  2. Make a paste stirring baking soda, water, and vinegar and apply on the surface with slime.
  3. Gently scrub with circular motion until the slime washes off.
  4. Clean the clothes following the regular cleaning instruction.

More slime recipe to try

As I said above, my kids love slime, and we make I all the time. Below are our latest favorite DIY slime videos and recipes.

I hope you enjoy this fun slime recipe with your kids! If so, share a comment below to connect with us and tell me more about you.


Christmas Slime

Metallic Slime Recipe

A relaxing Metallic Slime recipe for hours of fun with kids.
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Prep Time10 minutes
Total Time10 minutes
Yield: 1 batch
Author: Carine


  • In a mixing bowl, stir Elmer's glue and edible metallic paint. You can add more paint for extra metallic effects.
  • Gradually add Elmer's activator solution. The metallic slime unsticks from the sides of the bowl as you add more activator. Stop adding when the texture feels right, stretchy but not sticking too much to your fingers.
  • Store the slime in an airtight container at room temperature.


If you don't have Elmer's Solution to activate the slime, use some contact lens product that contains boric acid and add 1-2 tablespoons.
If the slime is too sticky, it needs more activator. Add more contact lenses solution one tablespoon at a time.

Metallic Slime Recipe

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